空力を改善させるための最も安価なアップグレードは? ~The Cheapest Aero Upgrade For Cycling?~

【おすすめ動画】【おすすめ動画一覧】【ペダリング・ポジション・スキル】【空力・エアロダイナミクス・TT・下り】2019年12月18日 06:00


What is the best aerodynamic upgrade you can make? What gives you the best bang for your buck? Riding your road bike faster is not just about training. Investment in upgrading your bike and refining your position can also result in huge aerodynamic gains allowing you to ride faster for less effort. But what if you’re on a budget? Ollie and Jon investigated the most cost-effective ways to cheat the wind at Silverstone’s sports engineering hub wind tunnel with the help of Olympian and ex-pro cyclist Rob Hayles.

出典 YouTube・GCN Tech :The Cheapest Aero Upgrade For Cycling? | GCN Tech Wind Tunnel Tested