レースで勝つための、リードアウトのテクニック ~The Art Of The Sprint Lead Out~

【おすすめ動画】【おすすめ動画一覧】【ペダリング・ポジション・スキル】【レース対策情報・レース戦術】2020年2月6日 06:00


Winning bike races. There are a few techniques that will increase the chances of a team's victory. Time after time again pros like Pettachi, Cipollini, and Cavendish have relied on a lead out to get results. But what is a lead out? In this video, Conor, Chris, James, and Manon share their pro tips to help you improve your lead out skills and win more races!

出典 YouTube・Global Cycling Network:How To Win Bike Races | The Art Of The Sprint Lead Out